The equipment we work with
In our neurorehabilitation centre, we have the latest robotic devices for training and improving walking (LOKOMAT Pro with FreeD module), to improve the mobility of the upper limbs (ARMEO SPRING, PABLO, MYRO) and fingers (AMADEO). Robotic devices provide significant benefits for patients not only during automated training activities but also in the field of motivation and obtaining objective results of patient capabilities.
In addition to robotic devices, we use the Redcord system, a high-performance laser and other physical therapy and standard aids.

LOKOMAT PRO - a state-of-the-art device for robot-assisted walking training with feedback with optional braces for children and adults.
Locomotor therapy for patients after the cerebrovascular accident, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and for patients with peripheral paresis (incomplete paralysis) of the lower limbs.
Therapeutic use:
Locomotors are controlled braces that automate locomotor therapy on a moving walkway and increase the effectiveness of training. The system allows very intensive and individual training with feedback and weight relief. Patient motivation and feedback levels are enhanced by interactive games in a virtual environment.
Individually customizable therapy with Lokomat PRO ensures a comfortable and physiological walk with feedback, which is controlled by sensors integrated into the braces.
The FreeD module enables lateral and rotational movement of the pelvis, induces weight transfer training while walking, and thus extends therapeutic possibilities. In Slovakia, we are the only establishment that has Lokomat, including the FreeD module.

ANDAGO – mobile robotic relief system for walking training
Walking training, postural (upright posture) and balance exercise for the rehabilitation of neurological and orthopaedic patients with movement disorders.
Therapeutic use:
Andago is a mobile robotic relief system that allows you to practice walking without having to push or lean on your upper limbs. It bridges the gap between robotic systems with a movable belt and independent walking on the ground.
Andago provides a safe and functional environment for the patient to practice upright posture during training. The system automatically follows the movement of the patient independently without the need for guidance and thus helps natural movement in coordination with the upper limbs.
The relief of the bodyweight is dynamic and allows a vertical deflection of the centre of gravity when walking.

ARMEO SPRING – a device for functional therapy of the upper limb with motivational feedback
Functional training of the upper limb for patients after the cerebrovascular accident, brain injury or patients with other neurological diseases, rehabilitation after orthopaedic surgery, rehabilitation after total endoprosthesis.
Therapeutic use:
The device for rehabilitation of patients with reduced function of the upper limbs.
The main goal of rehabilitation of patients with limited function of the upper limb is to preserve and restore their motor skills, which means training new movement processes and improving their coordination skills. Another objective is to prevent the risk of loss of muscle capacity of paralyzed limbs due to lack of use.
Aremo Spring, using the outer body structure, provides relief of the upper limb against gravity and thus allows the patient to use his remaining active momentum. The handle has a strong sensor with which the patient learns to control the activity of the fingers and practice the grip.
The therapy with the Armeo device is associated with visual feedback. The movements of the upper limbs are sensed by sensors in all joints of the exo body structure. The patient performs specific movement tasks in a virtual environment. Successful performance of individual exercises is evaluated and allows you to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

AMADEO – a functional therapy device with motivational feedback
Functional hand training for patients after the cerebrovascular accident, brain injury or for patients with other neurological diseases.
Therapeutic use:
The device for the rehabilitation of patients with reduced finger function. The main goal of rehabilitation of patients with reduced hand function is to preserve and restore their motor skills, which means learning new movement processes and improving their coordination skills.
This system is used for the rehabilitation of patients with movement dysfunction of the lower part of the upper limb. Specifically focused exercises on the device help improve the movement functions of patients with limited mobility of individual fingers or the entire hand. They allow patients to improve their quality of life thanks to a therapeutic program that is tailored to their individual needs. The therapist will compile a rehabilitation program from several different modules according to the progress of the therapy and the possibility of choosing between passive, assisted or active exercise. Each finger, including the thumb, can be exercised independently and separately. The device enables constant and ergonomic simulation of gripping movements. It is ideal for use in all phases of neurological rehabilitation (passive, assisted, active and interactive exercise). It enables real-time measurement of isometric forces and range of motion and biofeedback.

Myro – a device for interactive rehabilitation of the upper limb
Functional training of the upper limb and hand, including work with real objects for a wide range of adult and paediatric patients, especially after the cerebrovascular accident, brain injury or for patients with other neurological disease or cognitive deficit.
Therapeutic use:
The device offers an interactive feedback environment for the rehabilitation of patients with reduced function in the area of the upper limb, hand, and fingers. High variability in the possibilities of using a virtual gaming environment with a focus on specific therapeutic goals. A contact surface is responsive not only to direct contact of the upper limb, but it is possible to use objects of different materials and shapes. It is thus possible to use real objects in therapy, which are part of everyday activities and thus to improve individual types of grips, as well as the complex involvement of the upper limb and the entire postural (stabilization) system in these targeted tasks. Therapy can focus on gross and fine motor skills, coordination of movement, functional binding of the head (eye) and hand, as well as cognitive function, concentration, and selective attention disorders.
In addition to moving around the screen in all 2D directions, the device also responds to the rotational movement of objects. These options are further enhanced using thrust and pressure. In this way, it is possible to use the device to train the tensile strength finger grips or, on the contrary, to improve the support functions of the upper limbs and their adequate load (up to 60 kg). The therapy can be performed uni- or bilaterally. The size and location of the reactive area on the screen can be adapted to the needs of the therapy and the patient’s abilities. Visual feedback is of course accompanied by audio signals. It is a system offering cognitive-motor therapy, including, for example, graphomotorics.
The whole device is adjustable in height and terms of the inclination of the interactive surface. The therapist is thus able to choose the optimal position in which the patient will perform the therapy (sitting, standing, etc.)

PABLO – multifunctional system for examination and rehabilitation of upper and lower limbs
Functional upper limb training for patients after the cerebrovascular accident, brain injury or for patients with other neurological diseases.
Therapeutic use:
Pablo helps patients with impaired motor skills, allows them to measure muscle strength in different hand and finger grips and thus diagnose and record the ranges of the wrist, forearm, elbow, and shoulder joint. Using the adapters, the sensor can be attached to the torso and lower limbs and thus be included in the therapy. Thanks to the accessories, it is possible to comprehensively move the wrists or work with both upper limbs simultaneously.
All data is transferred and recorded using sensors to the connected computer with motivational feedback for the patient.
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